Almost Halfway There – Or What I’ve Learned in 6 Months

Almost 6 months to the day, we thought about finally getting our act together, taking things a bit more seriously perhaps. We always had an interest in film and writing, but couldn’t quite get it off the ground. Life got in the way. We had to make ends meet, we weren’t quite ready for the critique …

The Two Minute Drill – Screenplay Practice

I’m not one for New Years resolutions, but for some reason I sort of promised myself (and Dead Red Eyes) a whole list of nonsense for 2013. Here’s one I thought was worth a mention though. Once a week I need to randomly just drop things once per week and do a short screenplay. In …

Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Top tens and random ideas aside, one of the things we want to do with this website is take you through what we do, our journey so to speak as this evolves. So not just about short films and screenplays, but what we did with them, and how we went about them. Hopefully it at …