What to do with that Screenplay you wrote – stage 4

The proof is in the URL of this post. Write another screenplay. And do other stuff, stay creative, stay switched on, no matter how busy you are. That is my rationale behind this very short but hopefully meaningful post. Over the past two weeks, the only time I’ve had was minutes here and there. And …

The Two Minute Drill – Screenplay Practice

I’m not one for New Years resolutions, but for some reason I sort of promised myself (and Dead Red Eyes) a whole list of nonsense for 2013. Here’s one I thought was worth a mention though. Once a week I need to randomly just drop things once per week and do a short screenplay. In …

What To Do With That Screenplay You Wrote – Stage 3

At this point you should be well into a couple other pieces and the title should be about what to do with those “Screenplays” you have written. Friends have perhaps glanced through it, and one or two might even like it. This is the hard part now. Get it out there some more…. to strangers. …